Analyzing DarkShield Results


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DarkShield GUI Data Classification PII Discovery File Masking NoSQL DB Masking RDB Masking CLI & API Specs DarkShield Audit Logs

The IRI Workench GUI for DarkShield produces multiple output logs from search and masking operations, including:

  1. PII discovery annotation sand masking results, in separate JSON files, for searching and masking jobs run from IRI Workbench (and thus through a DarkShield API)
  2. Operational audit logs with user and runtime details, also in JSON, for each job run from IRI Workbench or in CLI mode
  3. PII discovery results, in delimited text format, for reporting through IRI CoSort SortCL, Excel, Splunk, etc.
  4. Workbench error log output, sent directly to the Workbench error log
  5. Logs for DarkShield API server operations, sent to the target(s) defined in a secure log4j2 configuration file in the conf directory of a DarkShield API distribution
  6. a self-updating audit log dashboard view for DarkShield API jobs displaying the number of unsuccessful completions, and total volume of data processed. A Gantt chart can also be displayed to show Darkshield job execution times over a period of time



  7. An actionable Graph option, accessible from the context menu when right-clicking a .dsc file, generates an HTML file that has displays dashboard charts of aggregate DarkShield (search) annotation and (masking) results data, to help you interact with summary data visually in charts.
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