IRI Data Protector Suite


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IRI Data Masking Software in Annual Market Guides

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Award-Winning Data-Centric Security

Renowned startpoint security software products in the IRI Data Protector suite and IRI Voracity data management platform will: classify, find, and mask personally identifiable information (PII) and other "data at risk" in multiple sources. Each one will help you comply (and prove compliance) with the CCPA, CIPSEA, FERPA, HIPAA/HITECH, PCI DSS, and SOC2 in the US, and international data privacy laws like the GDPR, KVKK, LGPD, LOPD, PDPA, PIPEDA and POPI. 

Co-located and compatible IRI tooling in Voracity, including IRI RowGen, can also synthesize test data from scratch, and produce referentially correct (and optionally masked) database subsets. 

IRI and its authorized partners around the world can help you implement fit-for-purpose compliance and breach mitigation solutions using these technologies if you need help. For more information, link to the products and use cases below. Schedule a free online demonstration or an on-site evaluation here.

IRI Data Protector Suite Logo
IRI FieldShield BannerIRI FieldShield Logo

Structured Data Masking

FieldShield classifies, finds, de-identifies, risk-scores, and audits PII in databases, flat files, JSON, etc.

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IRI RowGen BannerIRI DarkShield Logo

Semi- & Unstructured Data Masking

DarkShield classifies, finds, and deletes PII in text, pdf, Parquet, C/BLOBs, MS documents, logs, NoSQL DBs, images, and faces.

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IRI CellShield BannerIRI CellShield Logo

Excel® Data Masking

CellShield finds, reports on, masks, and audits changes to PII in Excel columns and values LAN-wide or in Office 365.

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Database BannerIRI DMaaS Logo

Data Masking as a Service

IRI DMaaS engineers in the US and abroad do the work of classifying, finding, masking, and risk-scoring PII for you.

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Learn More

Compare the capabilities of IRI's award-winning data masking tools with this matrix, and peruse IRI's proven test data solutions here. Dive deeper with the slide deck and our article on startpoint security below.

Data Protector Suite Overview

Data Protector Suite PDF Cover

Secure Data at its Startpoints

Cybersecurity Sourcebook

IRI Defines Startpoint Security | Outlook Series Listen Now

Test Data Synthesis

IRI RowGen logo

Use the proven IRI data masking (*shield) tools above, the IRI RowGen data synthesis package, or the IRI Voracity platform, to: subset, create, or virtualize safe, intelligent test data in DB, file, API, and report targets for ETL prototypes, DevOps, benchmarking, etc.

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Use Cases

The IRI Data Protector suite's constituent products address:

These data-centric security solutions are also critical complements to device and perimeter (network) security solutions which cannot address insider misuse. Licensing costs depend on which tools, and how many hostname or DB instance licenses, you need.

Voracity schematic Voracity Data Quality Features
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