Many of IRI's 'big data' customers are in the transit businesses, and using IRI solutions they manage their big data. They need to track, trace, and transform data about the movements of people, freight, and their vehicles. They can use the IRI Voracity platform or its constituent component products to:
- pre-sort huge transaction (fact) table and file data to speed bulk loads into, and queries in, ROLAP DBs
- filter, sort, join, and aggregate prior/current passenger and routing data according to hypothesis criteria
- find, classify, de-identify (mask), risk-score, and audit data at risk to comply with data privacy laws
- migrate or replicate legacy datatypes, file formats, and databases into next generation targets
- cleanse and unify data for data quality and MDM initiatives
- report on or wrangle data for external BI and analytic tools
- replace legacy sort or ETL tools
Such core data transformations support revenue optimization (e.g. ticket pricing) applications; scheduling research tools; connection, routing and seating decisions; and promotional analytics / campaigns, as well as data privacy law compliance. CoSort, and it's Sort Control Language (SortCL) data definition and language program are thus used industry-wide:
- Aeroflot
- Air Berlin
- Air France
- Alaska Airlines
- Alitalia
- American
- Azul
- Cathay Pacific
- China Eastern
- Delta
- Ethiopian
- Gulf Air
- Lufthansa
- Malaysian Airlines
- Pegasus Airlines
- Saudi Arabian
- Thai
- Turkish
- USAir
- Vietnam
- Virgin America
- Virgin Blue
- Daimler/Chrysler
- Ford
- Honda
- Hyundai
- Mercedes Benz
- Nissan
- Renault
- Volkswagen
Cargo Delivery & Rail
- Korea Rail
- MDS Transmodal
- Russian Railways
- SabreRail
- Specialized (CRSTSTI)
- Stevens Van Lines
- Yellow Roadway
Government Transportation Agencies
- Arkansas Highways
- Autostrade & Telepass (Italy)
- KBA (Germany)
Transportation Data Management
- Fleetguard
- GE Capital Fleet Services
- Drive America
- Innovata
- Sabre