FieldShield Certification


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When you have attained a level of expertise in the use of IRI FieldShield -- through either on-the-job experience or an authorized training course -- you have likely qualified for an official certification letter suitable for consulting engagements, job applications, and IT training centers. Following are various levels of certification you can obtain from IRI, and the USD cost of each certificate (which does not include training or validation).

FieldShield I

FieldShield II

FieldShield I


  • None


Install, license, configure, connect, and import job scripts and sample projects in the IRI Workbench. Build job scripts manually or through the IRI Workbench with format-preserving encryption and decryption, canned and custom data masking, reversible and non-reversible pseudonymization, randomization, and substring manipulation. Explain the application of FieldShield in data privacy law compliance and information security (data loss prevention) environments.


$75 USD

FieldShield II


  • FieldShield I


Hashing with encryption; custom function application; secure encryption key management; and rule-based, cross-table data protection using the IRI Workbench multi-table protection wizard. Explain the application of FieldShield in big data, data governance, data integration, master data management, and industry-specific contexts.


$100 USD

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