Banking, Financial Services & Insurance


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Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) industry users represent IRI's largest customer segment. IRI helps these companies grow and protect their product portfolios with software that helps them spot trends or detect fraud faster, comply with privacy regulations, reduce software and hardware costs, and improve the quality and performance of their applications.

Tap on the issues bubbles to reveal the corresponding solutions below.

BFSI Issues

VLDB Operations

Very large databases (VLDBs) that require discovery (profiling), archival, migration, reorg, replication, subsetting and security.

Big Data

Big data sets, typically from mainframe SAM files, VLDBs, transaction files, HDFS, and/or web logs that contain high volumes of financial data from:

  • Core banking and credit card processes
  • Customer promotion, psychographic, and retention initiatives
  • Credit and enterprise risk reporting
  • Claim processing and analytics
  • Fee, loyalty program, and customer relationship management
  • Mobile, web, and other channel analytics
  • Tax lot accounting and compliance programs

Batch and ETL-related operations under SLAs require faster data integration and staging of disparate sources for hand-offs to COBOL programs, BI, data and spread mart targets, databases, and software packages.

ETL Speed & Cost

Large data warehouses run atop overly complex 6- and 7-figure ETL tools that rely on partitioning, inefficient in-DB (or disjointed Hadoop) transforms, DB appliances, or more.

Mainframe Sorts

Mainframe JCL and other sort/merge utility migration to client/server operating systems. COBOL sort verb replacement (to improve native sort performance in volume).

Reporting and Analytics

Reporting and analytics from large, disparate data sources.

Data/DB Migration

Mainframe and COBOL file and data type conversion, and RDB data/DDL, for application and platform migrations.

Privacy & Security

Bank account, credit card, social security/taxpayer/national ID numbers and other personally identifiable information (PII) that requires static or dynamic data masking, encryption or other protections to comply with PCI standards or government data privacy directives.

Test Data

Applications, billing templates, database and ETL prototypes, outsourced development, and offsite benchmarking need accurate test data that does not require access to (confidential, insufficient, or not-yet-existing) production tables or flat files.

IRI Solution


Big Data

Single-pass data transformations in the SortCL program in IRI CoSort and IRI Voracity that include:

  • filter and select
  • sort and merge
  • join
  • aggregate
  • rank and segment
  • lookup
  • cross-calculate
  • pivot
  • convert and remap

that can run within custom billing, trend, and other reports for:

  • batch jobs
  • delta (change data capture) or slowly changing dimension dimensional (CDC, SCD)
  • descriptive analytics; i.e. detail and summary reports with or without BIRT or KNIME visualizations
  • web and XBRL formatted targets

VLDB Operations

IRI FACT (Fast Extract) unloads transaction tables to flat files. It runs with or without CoSort SortCL and bulk database load utility operations. The tools combine for classic (offline) reorgs and data warehouse ETL jobs. See also IRI NextForm or CoSort, which replicate, map, and report on flat-file or ODBC sources. IRI Voracity includes all the above, plus data discovery, subsetting, cleansing, masking, and unification (MDM).

Mainframe Sorts

CoSort can replace z/OS sorts in z/Linux or LUW servers either seamlessly through proxy coupling or through free parm conversion tools that convert sort/merge/select cards. The CoSort SortCL program can also replace many FILE-AID and ICETOOL functions. CoSort "acucosort" and "mfcosort" libraries replace runtime sort verbs in ACUCOBOL-GT, Micro Focus Workbench, netExpress, Server Express, and Enterprise Server.

ETL Speed & Cost

Affordable IRI Voracity subscription software uses proven, seamlessly integrated CoSort and Hadoop engines for efficient transforms, in-line with Fast Extract and pre-CoSorted loads. erwin or DataSwitch technology can also re-map legacy ETL jobs to faster, simpler Voracity workflows.

Reporting and Analytics

The CoSort SortCL program can generate custom reports with built-in transformations, masks, and even statistical analysis (e.g. cross-calcs, standard deviation, regression). Integration with BIRT and KNIME in Eclipse is especially useful for Voracity ETL users looking to visualize or mine the results of their data mashups in one operation.

Data/DB Migration

The IRI Voracity platform, or its included NextForm data migration product, can migrate MF-ISAM and Vision to CSV and other text files, convert fields in EBCDIC to ASCII, packed to numeric, big to little endian, multi-byte CJK to Unicode, and vice versa. They can also re-map fields and reformat record layouts, and migrate and replicate DB2 and other legacy DB and file formats (and DDL).

Privacy & Security

The IRI FieldShield data masking product can find, classify, and protect PII and other sensitive data in databases and flat files with encryption, redaction, hashing, pseudonymization, randomization, and other functions, while also scoring re-ID risk and producing job audit trails. IRI CellShield can find and mask data in Excel spreadsheets, and IRI DarkShield can do the same for unstructured text and image files, NoSQL DBs, and PDF/MS Office documents. The IRI Voracity data management platform supports all three shield products.

Test Data

CoSort SortCL and IRI RowGen create safe, intelligent, and referentially correct test data from random data type generation, and/or random selection of real data from real set files (lookup tables). RowGen has built-in SortCL capabilities to manipulate and pre-sort test data to speed loads.


Following are some IRI customers in:


  • Ambank
  • Banco Colpatria
  • Banco Credicoop
  • Banque de la Rép. d'Haïti
  • Banco del Desarollo
  • Banco Estado
  • Banco de Mexico
  • Banco General
  • Banco Ripley
  • Banco Safra
  • Banco Santander
  • Bank of Abyssinia
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of Egypt
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Banque de la Poste
  • Banque Exterieure d'Algérie
  • Banque Vernes
  • C6 Bank
  • Cathay United Bank
  • Chinae Savings Bank
  • CitiGroup
  • Citizens Bank
  • Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
  • Credibanco
  • First National Bank
  • Friesland Bank
  • Frost Bank
  • Green Dot Bank
  • Hana Bank
  • Industrial Bank of Korea
  • IC Banche Popolari Italiane
  • ING Bank
  • JB Bank
  • Kiwi Bank
  • Korea Development Bank
  • Korea Exchange Bank
  • La Caixa
  • N. American Savings Bank
  • National Australia Bank
  • Ned Bank S. Africa
  • Nonghyup Bank
  • OTP Bank
  • RBS
  • Shinhan Bank
  • South Africa Reserve Bank
  • Tesco Bank
  • TransBank
  • Wells Fargo
  • Wesbank
  • Woori Bank


  • American Stock Exchange
  • Charles Schwab
  • Daishin Securities
  • Dooson Capital
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Korea Investments & Securities
  • Korea Stock Exchange
  • Koscom
  • Kyobo Securities
  • Mirae Asset
  • Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange

Financial Services

  • ADP
  • Arab Financial Services
  • Brinks Global Services
  • Cagemini Services
  • Conductor Tecnologia
  • Credit Suisse
  • CSC
  • Epsilon
  • Ernst & Young
  • Finsiel
  • Fiserv
  • First Data Resources
  • Getnet Adquirênciae
  • High Tech Systems
  • KFTC Korea
  • KNET (KSSC) Kuwait
  • Novopayment
  • Paygo
  • PicPay
  • Redeban
  • Redlink Argentina
  • Securian
  • Solomon Financial Group
  • Sungard (FIS Global)

Credit Cards

  • ACI Worldwide
  • BC Card
  • Capital One
  • CartaSi
  • Equifax
  • Experian
  • Hyundai Card
  • LG Credit
  • Lotte Card
  • NH Card
  • Prorecard
  • Rakuten Card
  • Samsung Card
  • Sopra Banking
  • Tencnocom/INDRA
  • Visa


  • Aegon
  • Aflac
  • AIG
  • Allianz
  • AXA
  • Aviva
  • Citizens
  • DB Insurance
  • Farmer's Mutual Hail
  • FDIC
  • Generali
  • Groupe Henner
  • Guardian Life
  • Hartford Insurance
  • IAG
  • Indianapolis Life
  • ING
  • KoreanRe
  • Kyobo Life Insurance
  • MunichRe
  • NRMA
  • Prudential
  • Samsung Life
  • Seoul General
  • Shinhan Life
  • The Hartford

Click here for health insurance carriers using IRI software.

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