Frequently Asked Questions


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Selected Questions and Answers

Important note: The FAQs below are not a comprehensive resource, and only address a fraction of the available capabilities in IRI software or questions people ask.

Please visit the IRI solutions and products sections to learn more. Also, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or need details on specific features or options applicable to your use case(s).

+ BI & Analytics

+ CoSort & Compatible IRI Product Installation

+ CoSort Installation Issues

+ CoSort Sorting Apps & Performance Tuning

+ Data Security (PII Classify, Search, Mask) -- IRI *Shield Tools (Voracity / Data Protector Suite)

+ Data Governance > Data/Metadata Forensics & RBACs

+ DW ETL Operations

+ Flat Files

+ IRI Business

+ IRI Partnerships

+ IRI Software Pricing

+ ISV (OEM) Integration

+ Job Monitoring, Recovery, and Logging

+ Large XML File Creation/Conversion

+ Master Data

+ Custom Transformations

+ Oracle Acceleration

+ Support Site

+ Synthetic Test Data (RowGen-specific) Questions

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