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IRI's cross-industry data manipulation and management software delivers different benefits to different people. Find out how you can use the Voracity platform, and its major components --  CoSort, FieldShield, and RowGen -- to immediately reduce run times, costs, risks, and complexity across all Unix, Linux, and Windows platforms.

CoSort Transforms Big Marketing Data 10x Faster than SQL

Mark Hipp, President of DataBase Technologies, Inc.

DataBase Technologies (DBT) builds and maintains very large marketing databases for a few, select clients. We started in 1992 with a desktop CRM system that put the entire universe of B2B customers and prospects at a marketer’s fingertips. Our specialty has become rapidly integrating data flows from systems across multiple platforms and companies.


Mereo Uses CoSort to Transform Big Data for Media & Leisure BI

Christophe Monroy, chief system architect at Mereo.

Mereo is a leading provider in the field of revenue optimization and business intelligence. Our clients are major sales houses in the European TV radio and outdoor advertising sector, as well as operators in the Hospitality, Entertainment, and Travel industries. Mereo helps increase its client revenues by implementing revenue optimization techniques.


HSBC Insurance Speeds Reorganizations and Batch Jobs with CoSort

Luiz Contin, IT manager of development systems, with contributions from HSBC analysts Gilmar Pinto, Luciano Panini and Franciane Conrad, and Renata Binotto, press assessor.  

HSBC Seguros (Insurance) is a subsidiary of HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, and it is part of an integrated financial services business. HSBC Seguros manufactures life, personal accident policies, capitalization and pension plans, sold through the HSBC Brazil branch network and independent brokers. At the end of 2008, the company had 886 employees and recorded a net profit of U.S. $224 million, an increase of 99.5 percent over the prior year.


CoSort Integrates and Transforms Financial Data for Thomson Reuters

Eran Barak, global head of Strategy, Collaboration Services, Thomson Reuters.
The Thomson Corporation combined with Reuters Group PLC in 2008 to create Thomson Reuters, a leading source of financial information and BI data for many industries. With 50,000 employees and annual revenues at $13 billion, Thomson Reuters is double the size of its largest rival. Powered by the renowned Reuters News organization, Thomson Reuters combines industry expertise with innovative technologies to drivers critical information to leading decision-makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, health care and media markets. (more...)

CoSort Combines Data Transformation and Security for AIM Healthcare

Wesley Bowden, development team lead, Data Transformation for AIM Healthcare Services, Inc.

AIM Healthcare Services, Inc. is a leading provider of claims-cost management services. The company’s mission is to reduce the cost of health care and simplify health care information management. Since AIM’s inception, the company has grown to represent more than 1,800 hospital and health system clients and more than 1,100 payer clients, including the largest indemnity, HMO, Medicaid and self-insured payers in the country. (more...)

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