The Only GUI You Need


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The graphical user interface (GUI) for IRI Voracity, IRI Workbench, is a rich integrated development environment (IDE) for data management built on Eclipse™.

Running on Windows, Linux, and MacOS clients, the free IRI Workbench GUI front-ends the proven data management capabilities of Voracity software with the familiar data connectivity and job control facilities of Eclipse.

IRI Workbench delivers the visual metadata creation, conversion, and discovery tools you need to generate, modify, deploy, and share the simple job scripts, data definition files (DDF), and XML workflows common to all IRI software. In the same place, you can design and run COBOL, C++, Hive, Impala, Java, Perl, Python, R, SQL, and other programs supported in Eclipse, and even incorporate them as steps in your Voracity workflow.

What's Inside

IRI Workbench continues to support the tools in the IRI Data Manager and IRI Data Protector suites; but in the Voracity platform context, it goes further with support for data discovery, ETL, Hadoop, EMM, MDM, and analytics. IRI Workbench includes a variety of graphical wizards, dialogs, and editors to build and manage these jobs:

  • flat-file and RDB profiling
  • dark data discovery and bucketing
  • multi-source metadata definition
  • very large database (VLDB) extraction (E) using IRI FACT
  • data transformation (T), load preparation (L), and reporting using IRI CoSort
  • DW ETL and database reorg flows using FACT and CoSort
  • data and database migration, replication, or federation using IRI NextForm or CoSort
  • data masking, encryption, etc. using IRI FieldShield or CoSort
  • test data generation using IRI RowGen or CoSort
  • data cleansing and unification with the Voracity MDM wizard or CoSort
  • seamless data wrangling for KNIME analytics via CoSort-powered Voracity node
  • using any combination of six interoperable job design modes!

A screenshot of Voracity

Deeper Dive

Within the wizards and dialogs are also data mapping, MDM, and rule application facilities. Each created or imported job produces one or more standalone job scripts or configuration files to drive the above tasks.

Modify jobs with GUI components or the syntax-aware editor. Execute jobs from the GUI, local or remote system command line, a batch script, or API call.

IRI Jobs are defined in simple, portable XML files that you can modify and run anywhere the back-end software is licensed. The scripts' data and job definitions leverage the shared metadata of the CoSort Sort Control Language (SortCL) 4GL program, and support FACT, SQL, Java, and shell statements for complex, scheduled batch execution.

Scripts and metadata managed in IRI Workbench are easy to search and share with built-in Eclipse functionality. Free Eclipse plug-ins like Git and SVN support team sharing and version control, plus metadata lineage and impact analysis.

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