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wind turbines

Smarter and Safer Test Data

RowGen: Fast, Realistic Row Generation

Try RowGen

Test Data for Everyone

RowGen automatically builds and populates massive DB, file, and report targets with structurally and referentially correct test data -- in minutes, not hours.

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IRI RowGen logo

Safe Test Data that Looks Real

Stop relying on confidential production data. Masked data may not be realistic or robust enough either. RowGen uses your metadata and business rules to make better test data.

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Cover Every Scenario

Persistent or virtual test sets improve DB/ETL prototypes and speed DevOps. Use these high quality, high volume RowGen targets to stress-test and future-proof your platforms and solutions.

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Sky and Water

RowGen Use Cases

Big Test Tables, Referentially Correct

Bank of Montreal Logo

"RowGen generates 20GB tables with referential integrity for query testing. It eliminates production data access concerns and generates the volumes that reflect our growth."

Simultaneous Functional Testing

Transitive Logo

"RowGen is the only tool that supplies high volumes of test data on multiple operating systems and simultaneously manipulates the test data for application compatibility."

Better than Production Data

Mastercard Logo

"RowGen creates realistic PII and PAN data to support our OLTP app development and testing. It's the only tool that generates test files in the formats and sizes we need."

Do You Need RowGen? Find Out

Superior Test Data Management

Use RowGen to:

  • Load Accurate, Safe Test DBs
  • Prototype DW ETL Ops
  • Outsource Development
  • Stress-Test Applications
  • Benchmark New Platforms
  • Comply with Privacy Laws
  • Virtualize Test Data

Build Test Data Directly into:

  • RDBMS Tables and Excel®
  • Rec/Line/Var. Sequential Files
  • CSV, LDIF, Text, and XML
  • MFVL, ISAM, and Vision FIles
  • Mainframe and V/B Files
  • Detail and Summary Reports

What Others Are Reading

Test Data Management Intro Website Down

As anyone from can tell you, complex application development requires adequate needs assessments and sufficiently robust test data.

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Realistic Data from Scratch

Wind Turbines

Can you supply your prototypes with good and bad anonymous data quickly? Will it conform to production ranges, distributions, and appearances?

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Automate DB Data Generation

Data floating

Testing DB queries and DW ETL/ELT jobs requires test data with structural and referential integrity, and support for special constraints, nulls, etc.

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Consider RowGen when you're

  • forgoing adequate testing and making inaccurate suppositions and extrapolations
  • coding custom 3GL or shell programs for test sets valid in only one scenario
  • using confidential production data at the risk of breaches, NDA violations, etc.
  • scouring a low-end market of test data tools that lack speed or functional breadth
  • relying on costly, hard-to-modify platform tools that subset and mask production data

or when production data:

  • contains personally identifiable information
  • cannot be accessed
  • does not yet exist
  • does not reflect future application/system scope
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