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Data Conversion is Liberation

NextForm: Data and DB Migration

Try NextForm

Unlock the Business Value of Application Data

NextForm frees your data, programs, and databases from legacy formats and vendor lock-ins. More data versatility means more usability.

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Repurpose Your Data

NextForm modernizes file formats so they can be used in new applications. It also replicates DB data, remaps data types and record layouts, and creates federated views to speed insights.

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High Performance, Not Cost

NextForm also gives you the opportunity to cull data as you move it, optimizing I/O and reducing storage. Slash 75% off design and run time with point-and-click field mapping that help you control your data with ease.

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data in motion

NextForm Use Cases

Fast, Easy File Conversion

PHH Mortgage Logo

"NextForm simply and quickly converts our big LDIF files to custom CSV targets. A 165mb LDIF file converted in seconds, 1+GB in less than a minute. Excellent product!"

Legacy Data Type Translation

Servista Logo

"NextForm converts EBCDIC data files (including zoned and PD fields) to ASCII. As a beginner I was able to make new jobs quickly and determine the output was correct."

COBOL to DB Migration

Unlimited Care Logo

"NextForm is a fast, cost-effective Vision (and MF-ISAM) file migration and reporting solution. We also like the product\'s graphical job design and scripting options."

NextForm Editions

Lite (Free!)


IRI NextForm executable

IRI Workbench (Eclipse GUI)

Migrate, replicate, federate, and report on flat and unstructured text files. 

Convert fixed to delimited, LDIF to CSV, EBCDIC to ASCII, big to little endian, etc.

Search, extract, and structure strings in MS documents, emails, PDFs, etc.




ODBC Libraries

Replicate, federate, and report against data in any connected table or flat file.

Upgrade your version of -- or migrate between -- Oracle, DB2, Sybase, MS SQL, MySQL, Teradata, MongoDB, etc.

COBOL (Index)



MF Libraries

Convert MF-ISAM & Vision files, MF & RM data types.

Re-use, and report from, mainframe data sets.

Legacy (Other)



Proprietary Drivers

Migrate and report on data in the legacy formats listed here.




Proprietary Drivers

Access and use data in big data (e.g., Hive, NoSQL) and cloud/SaaS (e.g., Marketo, Salesforce) repositories.




Multiple Libraries

Migrate, replicate, federate and report on structured, semi- and unstructured (dark) data.

See Supported Sources and Formats

Supported Sources and Formats

Flat Files

  • CSV
  • Delimited
  • Fixed
  • LDIF
  • Micro Focus Variable Length
  • Micro Focus ISAM
  • Line/Rec/Var Sequential
  • Variable Blocked
  • Text
  • Vision
  • XML

Data Types

  • ASCII (c types)
  • Numerics
  • Dates & Time Stamps
  • Composite
  • Single-Byte
  • Multi-Byte (CJK, Thai)
  • Unicode
  • Packed Decimal
  • Zoned Decimal


  • Adabas
  • C-ISAM Informix, D-ISAM
  • Datacom
  • Dataflex
  • dBase
  • IDMS
  • IMS
  • Intersystems
  • PostgreSQL
  • Powerhouse
  • Unidata


  • Oracle
  • DB2 UDB
  • DB2 Mainframe
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server
  • Sybase
  • Teradata

Unstructured Files

  • ASN.1 TAP3
  • .DOC, .DOCX
  • .EML, .OST, .PST
  • .PDF, .RTF
  • .PPT, .PPTX
  • .TXT, .XML
  • .XLS, .XLSX


  • Amazon EMR, RDS, etc.
  • Cloudera CDH & Impala
  • Hortonworks Hive
  • NoSQL (Cassandra, MongoDB)
  • Pivotal (Greenplum, Hive)
  • Spark SQL
  • Web-based (Eloqua, Hubspot, Marketo, Salesforce, etc.)

AND, the proprietary/mainframe (legacy) and cloud/SaaS (modern) sources in the 2nd and 3rd sections of this page!

What Others Are Reading

Examining the LDIF File Format

LDIF File Icon

LDIF is a standard text format for LDAP data in address books, spreadsheets and other structured data sets.

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Incremental Data Replication

Data numbers

Use the values in your source columns to automatically move data into new target tables or files.

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Filter Data to Reduce I/O

Blocks in a funnel

One of the best ways to speed up big data operations is to select only the data that you will need in each target.

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